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9 Ways to Beat the Blues | Mental Health Awareness Month

Depression and anxiety are very real, very common threats to our well being. Out of shame or embarrassment it too often gets sweep under the rug and ignored. If you know what it's like to struggle with this please know you're not alone. If you know me or have followed me at all you may have picked up on my sometimes silly, salty, sarcastic humor. What you don't know is depression and anxiety are something I've battled every day since as far back as high school.

Let me tell ya, there's no easy fix for the blues. It's a constant up-hill battle every day. But, I have found a few things that, when practiced as frequently as possible, do make a difference...

1) Surround yourself with only positive people.

They say you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Cut out the negative, drama thriving people. There may be people *ahem family* you're not able to cut out so try to limit your interaction with them and balance with healthier relationships. Friends are the family you choose. 

Surround yourself with people who make you smile.

2) Get outside.

Scientists are only recently studying the full effects vitamin D has on mental health. But, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to equate a beautiful sunny day to happiness. Go out and hike, bike, kayak, take a walk, or just sit and take in the fresh air. It's free, make no excuses. In the winter, take a vitamin supplement and bring the outside in. Keeping houseplants not only helps to clean the air they can also provide a sense of purpose and nurturing. Different plants offer different air quality benefits, read more here.

A hike through the woods soaking up vitamin D and working muscles will help release endorphins.  

3) Get creative.

Find a hobby, something that isn't for school or work. Scrolling through social media isn't a hobby. Put your device down and pick up a paint brush, learn woodworking, calligraphy, a musical instrument, anything. Creativity is the ultimate form of expression and is a great release. 

Spend a couple hours doodling under a shade tree. 

4) Be kind to others. No. Matter. What.

Everyone has something they are struggling with. Always remember that behavior is contagious. Would you rather spread bad behavior or good? 

5) Set a goal and crush it!

Having a purpose in life drives us to put one foot in front of the other. It's important to choose something that you want, that you would be proud of. Set a small goal or a large goal broken up into smaller goals. Once you achieve your goal, celebrate and brag on yourself. You deserve it. Then, on to the next goal. Create a brag board or journal to visualize your progress.

6) Love yourself.

This means also forgiving yourself for not being perfect. News flash, no one is. Say out loud 5 things you love about yourself. Do it. If you can't, ask your bestie what they love about you. Be sure to return the favor. 

7) Get physical.

Physical activity and eating healthy are paramount to feeling good. Feeling good physically is paramount to feeling good emotionally. It all goes full circle. My activity of choice is yoga. The stretching and mental focus do wonders to relieve high stress levels. You don't have to be advanced or have pretzel like flexibility, there's a level of yoga for every person.

Getting into a kayak on a warm summer day lifts moods and melts anxiety like nobody's business!

8) Laugh.

Find something to make you laugh everyday.   

9) Make a happy board.

This can be a wall of photos or a well curated personal Instagram. Make it visual and include only happy memories, things you appreciate and things that make you smile. Check in and update it frequently. 

If you just can't kick the black mood, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, sadness, numbness please don't blame yourself. Depression and anxiety are a complicated result of many things including chemical imbalances in the brain. Reach out to a professional for help. Call 1-800-273-TALK. For more information about help in Southwest Missouri visit

xoxo -