Posts in senior photography
A Mom's Guide to Senior Year

Over the last 18 or so years you have dedicated everything in your life to shaping a human, bringing them to this moment: high school graduation. They are about to be adults. YOU get credit for how amazing they are. You're proud, excited and maybe a little sad they won't need you anymore. Or, maybe you're worried. Worried they aren't ready to handle life's every day challenges of separating whites and colors!

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MOD Squad 2020 Goes Retro at the Sandlot! [Featured Session]

Since my boys were wee little ones we spent many a summer day at various ballparks watching them play the greatest game on earth, baseball. My favorite ballpark by far is the Sandlot. It’s not the most state of the art. They didn’t even have scoreboards. But, it has something better: history and heart. The camp has seen the likes of Michael Jordan, Charlie Sheen and Joe Girardi. And continues to host camps and tournaments for the love of the game and kids who love the game.

Aside from a few newer fields on its outskirts it remains realatively untouched. Now, anyone who knows me knows what a geek I am about old houses, buildings, anything with a storied history. I always thought what an amazing location this would be to shoot a movie about the good old days. It has that special nostalgia. Well, I don’t make movies but I do photograph some amazing seniors who are always up for an adventure. <3

Thanks to the MOD Squad 2020 and to Brad and Tom at the Sandlot for making my dream come true!

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