Chase - Marionville Class of 2016 Senior

How do I even begin this blog post? I've known this kid right here his whole life. In fact he's one of my favorite people on the planet. He's my kid. My baby. My first born. My "Squeeker". Unfortunately for him he will never outgrow that name. 

Words cannot express how proud I am of him. Smart, funny, talented, hard working, handsome. He's the whole package and I'm proud he's my son. If I've done nothing else right in this world, at least I succeeded at this. 

When it comes to pictures, Chase has a rule. I get 10 clicks. That's it. They better be in focus. When I asked him where he wanted to do his senior pictures he said, "I don't know. Not in a field with cows." Ok, so.... urban. Not surprising. My kid isn't a country kid. 

Going into this session I expected him to be minimally cooperative and want to rush through. I couldn't have been more wrong. He goofed off, we laughed. We BOTH had fun. We're even planning a round 2. Great memories for this momma right here...  

Small town Missouri senior guy pictures
Small town Missouri senior guy pictures
Small town Missouri senior guy pictures
Small town Missouri senior guy pictures
Small town Missouri senior guy pictures
Small town Missouri senior guy pictures


Think I can talk him into a round three? ;)

and the graduations announcements....