Flashback Friday to Rachel, Senior 2013

It's Friday, almost September. The weather is turning a little cooler. I'm booking fall sessions and getting excited about shooting against those gorgeous fall leaves. It kinda takes me back to where it all began. Well, at least my journey into senior photography anyway.

Way back in the fall of 2012 Miss Rachel asked if I would take her senior pictures. I think I did that quick look behind me and said "who, me?" Let me tell you, I couldn't be more grateful she asked. That one session sparked an inspiration in me. One that has led me on a very exciting and rewarding journey. I owe a great deal of the success of this session to Rachel herself. She really rocked her poses and showed a very natural ability in front of the camera. We had a blast, too. :)

Here are just a few of my favorites from my very first senior session....