Amaya - Glendale High School
If you love bold, vibrant colors you are in for a treat! From spring flowers at the botanical garden to neon signs downtown Springfield, Amaya’s senior adventure photo session has it all!
Amaya is a senior at Glendale and very active in cheer. Don’t let that pretty face fool you she has talent, grit and intelligence to boot. Her recent accomplishments include: NCA All American 2020, MCCA MO Regional 1st Place team, 1st Place 4A Timeout Cheer team, 3rd Place 4A Small Varsity, Academic All-State Award, All-State Tumbling Award. She plans to attend MIZZOU after graduation.
When asked what she wanted for her session she said: “I mostly just want to have fun, and feel good about the pictures that are being taken”. Okey dokey, kid. Let’s do this!