Project Beauty 2018
We all know there's a lot of pressure these days to look perfect 100% of the time. Our society is constantly bombarding us with imagery in advertising reminding us that beautiful is a certain size or a certain look. Unfortunately too many people (girls especially) take it to heart and think that being physically flawless is the ticket to happiness and value as a human being. Don't get me wrong, it is important to feel beautiful. It can even be life changing. It's fun to get dressed up and let's face it, contouring makeup is an amazing art form. All true. What's also true is beauty comes in many forms and there's more to life than what you look like.
The Project Beauty movement was started by senior photographer Thomas Nguyen, and variations of it has spread like crazy with other photographers across the country. While I really try not to follow the herd too much some waves are worth adding a ripple to. So, I challenged my MOD Squad. Let's show everyone what beauty looks like without the help of makeup and Photoshop: confident, honest, generous, kind, brave, talented, skilled, unique, and just simply beautiful. And while we're at it, let's do it all for charity. As usual, these girls stepped up. Man, I'm really proud of them!
“Beauty without kindness and bravery is just a pretty empty shell, my dear. And you can find plenty of those on the beach. People use them to decorate their rooms. So I hope you aspire to be so much more than just beautiful. I hope you aspire to be so much more than a pretty little thing that decorates the room you walk into.”
My sister is the person who I admire the most. She is truly beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside as well. She recently moved four hours away for her husbands job, but she still remains my best friend. Any time I need someone to talk to about something that happened at school or if I have good news, she's always the first person I want to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. She has given me some of the best advice that I have ever received and has helped me in many ways through the good and through the bad.
Things that bring me joy would be seeing others happy. When I see others happy, it instantly makes me have a better day. Being around my friends and family and being surrounded by those I love is another thing that makes me happy. I also enjoy cheerleading and teaching others cheer as well.
I like to think that being friendly to everyone can make a huge change in the world. In todays society, you hear a lot about bullying and I see it a lot on social media for things such as peoples weight or their clothes. Everyone is beautiful. You never know what someone is going through, so reaching out with a friendly hand could make a huge impact on someone's life. I feel that making one persons day could start a ripple effect and in the end everyone would be happier.
Emma has chosen to continue her support of the Catch a Dream Foundation.
I admire and find my mom truly beautiful. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, her personality shines from the inside making her even more beautiful. She has a caring heart for everyone.
Seeing others be happy brings me joy. I love the smiles and laughter!
I think one of my personality/skills that is valuable is being forgiving and giving people second chances. Everyone makes mistakes and needs forgiveness that’s how we improve. Without second chances, no one would be able to do the right thing.
Layne has chosen to support C.A.R.E. Animal Rescue.
Someone I admire and find truly beautiful is my mom. I have always found her compassion for others truly beautiful. Seeing her in an environment every day where she gets to help people in need is very inspiring.
What brings me joy is seeing others genuinely happy. I love seeing people happy about what they are doing in life, whether it be a simple act of kindness or a big life decision they have made.
I believe that the trait that makes me valuable is my people skills. I love helping others and I believe I am very good at it. I can help make the world a better place with this trait by showing compassion to others and to help guide them on the right path.
Emily has also chosen to support C.A.R.E. Animal Rescue
I really admire my Granny Queet. She is someone who is a genuinely good person and I would be lucky to be half the woman she is. My Granny radiates beauty from the inside out, she never has a bad word to say about anyone, always helped out when she was able, and she loves our family with her whole heart. She is so kind, caring, and strong, and everything I want to grow up to be.
Something that brings me joy is taking care of myself. I used to have such a rough relationship with myself, so it was really hard to care about me. I always put myself last, never took time to do things for me, and I was really unhappy for a long time. But now I set aside time to make sure that I'm okay and I found that making myself a priority brings a lot more happiness into my life. Spending time reading, taking a bath, doing a facemask, going to bed early, or just dancing to some throwback tunes, really makes my days brighter. Taking care of myself brings me joy.
I have a really strong sense of empathy and compassion. I really care about other people and all types of people. I make the world a better place simply by being kind to everyone. I offer a complement to people I see at school, I'm always offering to be a shoulder to cry on or lend an ear to listen, I make "blessing bags" filled with small essentials to give to the homeless in the summer time, I sponsor the canned food drive at 3 schools with weekly donations, and I gave over 60 stuffed animals to the children's hospital for Christmas. I make the world a better place because I care so much about everyone.
Sydney has chosen to contribute to the Marionville chapter of Care to Learn.
My mother is a woman I truly admire and find beautiful from the inside and out. She has always made it her top priority to serve others and it one of my favorite qualities she possesses. From the time she had my brother (32 years ago), she had stayed home to give us the best care: a mother's love. Spending so much time at home with your kids may drive several people nuts, but she still finds joy in the days I am at home with her. My mom also has always made an importance of serving our church and the community. She has served as a Sunday School teacher for 15 years and has worked in the church's kitchen, cooking meals for luncheons, community Christmas dinners, and funerals. It does not matter what is happening within her life, she will step up and help whoever needs it.
Spending quality time with loved ones brings me the greatest joy for sure. It does not matter whether we are going out or staying in to watch a movie/play board games, it's just the fact that we are all together. The other thing that I find a ton of joy in is teaching children within an after school program at our church. Through this program, I am able to teach kids about our Lord and connect with some who may not receive the attention they need at home. Corny jokes also crack me up quite a bit.
I plan to make the world a better place by teaching the future of our country. While educating them is the primary focus, I plan to also make sure the children know that they are cared for. I believe that is where most conflicts start at-people believing that no one cares for their opinions, thoughts, or even their lives. Ronald Reagan once said, "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." I want to be a person who helps that someone.
Ragan has chosen to support the American Cancer Society.
My two grandmothers. Every day in and out they constantly help me be a better me and person in general. But what I love most is how Godly women they are. Everyday they show me how to live to be a better Christian, and live with God on your side. I hope to become half the women they are someday.
Knowing that I bring joy to other people. I love being the person who makes others feel better about themselves. I care more about others feelings before mine, and I’m perfectly fine with it that way. Making someone laugh and smile when they dont want to, brings joy to me.
I can make the world a better place by showing everyone how to see the good in the world, rather than all the bad. I can show them that when you laugh it out rather than worry about it. When in doubt, laugh it out.
Hallie is making a difference by contributing to the Ronald McDonald House.
I admire my best friend’s mom, Shari. I admire Shari because she has taught me to look at everything positively and to never look at it negatively. She also doesn’t care what people think of her and she is simply herself. I find that truly beautiful.
My family brings me joy because I love to be around them. Cheerleading also brings me joy because I love seeing everyone’s faces as we cheer on our team.
I'm going to make the world a better place by going into nursing, I will help people everyday. It doesn’t have to be something huge that I help with because help is help.
Katie has chosen to contribute to Faithful Friends Animal Shelter