Road Trip with Kiersten [Senior Picture Locations]

Some photographers are gear junkies, I'm a location junkie. I'm always looking for new places to take senior pictures here in Southwest Missouri. This location is a bit of a drive south into Arkansas but so worth it. It's near and dear to my heart as it's where my hubby and I were married 18 years ago and a place we get away to regularly. But it wasn't until this year that I decided to venture that way in the name of senior photography. So glad my MOD Squad was game for the little drive as it's become one of my favorite places to shoot senior pictures. It's so rich with nature, architecture, and quirky art. Combine that with amazing seniors all with their own personality and no two sessions will ever be exactly the same.   

Kiersten is part of that 2018 MOD Squad from Aurora High School and was the first of several girls scheduled to take this adventure with me. She says she's reserved when she needs to be but a goof ball around her friends. Which, is perfect for getting a variety of looks in a photo session. We have several more shoots scheduled this summer and I can't wait for more fun bringing out that goofy side of her. But dang, she sure can nail that serious look! Kiersten's favorite quote: "The best is yet to come." True, we're just getting warmed up!

Search for your favorite senior, location, or theme!