Sydney [Traveling Dress Project]

Dress #4 in the Traveling Dress Project is here! This dress comes to me from my friend Susan of Susan Willis Photography in Southern Illinois.

Modeling is the gorgeous Miss Sidney of Kickapoo High School. I suggested Syd style this dress with a leather moto jacket to add a little edge and contrast. She also brought a fur boa and tiara. I LOVE both looks!

More about Sydney…

What activities are you involved in? Why are they important to you?: 

Youth at Wesley United Methodist Church because my faith comes first and is most important to me.
FCCLA because I want to pursue a career in the culinary field.
Choir because I think music is very important, I'm able to express myself and I truly enjoy it.

She’s an incredibly talented singer with a kind heart. You can catch Sydney performing around Springfield with her dad as the duo Sydadre.

Thank you shout out to Scotch and Soda for kindly letting us shoot in their incredible space!