Posts in senior photography
Lauren - Purdy High School

If there’s one thing Lauren takes seriously it’s softball. She has been a passionate player since childhood and her work ethic on the field has led to a scholarship with Cameron University. A big part of senior photography is highlighting what each senior is passionate about so our priority was to spend time on the field creating some cool images of her pitching and hitting. Instead of softballs, she hit water balloons. Guys, I don’t think she missed any!

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Project Beauty 2021

“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.”

We’ve spent all year admiring the outer beauty of these young ladies through their senior pictures. But I always like to close the year by refocusing on what makes them truly important and valuable. Project Beauty starts with a very short interview asking them to reflect on what true beauty is to them and what value they give to this world. Then, I invite them to stand in front of the camera one last time…

They are each a ray of light in their own way. Even in the face of dark days the light is always there if we choose to see it.

This is Project Beauty: No Makeup, No Photoshop, All for Charity.

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