Project Beauty 2021
“Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.”
We’ve spent all year admiring the outer beauty of these young ladies through their senior pictures. But I always like to close the year by refocusing on what makes them truly important and valuable. Project Beauty starts with a very short interview asking them to reflect on what true beauty is to them and what value they give to this world. Then, I invite them to stand in front of the camera one last time…
They are each a ray of light in their own way. Even in the face of dark days the light is always there if we choose to see it.
This is Project Beauty: No Makeup, No Photoshop, All for Charity.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: I admire my mother for all that she does for me and the people around her. She is the kindest, most selfless person I’ve ever met and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She’s there for me when I need her most and she brings me laughter when I’m down. Not only is she absolutely beautiful but she is a light in this world of darkness. Love you Mom
What brings you joy?: Spending time with my friends and family brings me the most joy. Being about to laugh and cherish the memories with the people I love is something I would never replace.
How can YOU make the world a better place?: A smile is a universal signal. A simple smile can brighten someone’s day and make them feel special. I want to make the world a better place by spreading kindness through a simple smile.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose Home For Our Troops because I believe no veteran or active member serving our country should ever go without a safe place to sleep. These men and women fight for my freedom everyday and for that I could never repay them for the sacrifices they have made.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: My mom is someone I admire because she’s always there for me no matter what and helps me through everything. She’s always there to lend a helping hand no matter who it’s for or what it’s for she always puts me and my siblings first and I’m super grateful for everything she does and our relationship!
What brings you joy?: Some things that bring me joy is being able to play sports and getting to hang with friends and putting smiles on people’s faces and making them laugh.
How can YOU make the world a better place?: I always try to bring the good out in someone and bring happiness no matter the situation.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose to donate to the American Cancer Society because so many friends and family have battled different cancers and are still battling.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: My grandma. She was always one of the happiest and cheerful people to be around. She always knew exactly what to say when you were feeling down and she would never let you leave her side without a smile. She loved singing and her style was amazing. I loved going into her closet and trying on her new clothes. She truly loved everyone and believed everyone was a good person. She was a truly beautiful person!
What brings you joy?: Being with my family and friends, my precious cats, iced coffee in the mornings, making other people smile, and summer days!
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I am constantly making sure that all my friends and family are okay and happy. I want the best for someone and when I see someone else having a bad day I have to help. I love helping people and making everyone else smile:)
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose to contribute to Clevers Care to Learn chapter. I have helped with Care to Learn for as long as I can remember. Going to school knowing that some of my classmates don’t have the resources to provide basic needs breaks my heart. I love being able to help as many people as I can, especially the people in my community.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: my mom, she has helped me throughout my life so much weather she knows it or not. ever since i was little she’s been my biggest supporter and i appreciate her more than she knows. it’s more of the beautiful intentions she has and how much of a beautiful person she is inside, and out.
What brings you joy?: The ones who are closest to me, my family and friends. without them i would be nothing.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?:spreading kindness to people I love and recycling more.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose to contribute to Haven of the Ozarks! We need a better place for all the animals who don’t have loving and caring owners. ❤️
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: Someone I admire is my mother because she is so strong. She is my bestfriend. No matter what she supports me, always has my back, and always stands up for what she believes in. I hope to be half the woman and mom she is one day.
What brings you joy?: My friends and family bring me joy. They always keep me laughing and I love that about them.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I think I can make the world a better place by bringing laughter and a smile to every situation. Also, by always finding the good in every situation.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: Alzheimer’s research organization. I chose this because before my grandpa passed away this past Christmas with Covid he was suffering from Alzheimer’s. He meant the world to me and I want other patients with this disease to be able to fight it one day.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: My mother is someone I admire and find truly beautiful. Growing up, she has always taught me to love myself for who I am. My mother always taught me to be true to myself no matter who is watching and I will always live by that.
What brings you joy?: My family, friends, and softball bring me joy. Anyone who knows me, knows I love to laugh and have a good time. When I am with friends or family I am having the time of my life and it brings me the most joy.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I hope to help younger athletes learn to love themselves and love their bodies the way other college athletes have helped me learn to love myself. I hope to bring others joy and put a smile on everyone’s face.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose to contribute to Lutheran World Relief. It is an organization that helps deliver food, water, or medical care to vulnerable areas in under privileged countries. You can choose to buy an animal that will be sent so families can use them today, or keep and produce offspring with the animal. Recently I lost my Grandpa who was a very important part of my life. Every Christmas he would ask that part of his Christmas gift goes towards this organization, so I found it fitting to carry on his wish and chose this charity to donate to.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: The most beautiful person to me is my mom. She is truly my best friend, and I am so glad that God chose her to be my mother. She is kind, hard-working, inspiring, and hilarious. My mom has never missed anything I’ve ever done. She’s at every game, helping me get ready before every dance, and she’s always so supportive through it all. Other people who I find to be such inspiring people are both my grandmas (MeeMaw and Glynda), my late grandmother Sonja, and a teacher at my school, Lynn Ward.
What brings you joy?: What brings me joy is seeing everyone happy. I especially love laughter. I love spending time with my parents, especially when they’re being their funny selves, and spending time with my friends when we’re laughing so hard we’re in tears.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I feel like I can make the world a better place by helping others. I have always wanted to help other people. Whether it’s planning a fundraiser or planning my future to go into Nursing. I specifically want to work with children because I want them to know that they feel safe in a place that is uncomfortable. Another way I plan to make the world a better place, is to join the United States Navy and serve my country.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose Rescue One as my organization because we are HUGE animal lovers in our household. Especially dogs. I knew Rescue One would be the best option because every dog deserves a family that loves them, and cares for them. Finding every dog a forever home would be amazing.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: I admire my Mom in many ways. She always supports me no matter what decision I make or what activity I am in, she is always there for me. She gives me advice on what she thinks I should do, but in the end she is always by my side.
My mom and I have had so many wonderful times together. She is not afraid to be silly and share a sense of humor that entertains us all the time. She isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in. She is loyal genuine and brave.
My Mom always puts her self last she does it because she is one of the most caring and loving people I know. She loves her family more than anything else.
If I had to choose only one characteristic to define my beautiful mother it would be this. It is sometimes hard to comprehend such unconditional love, but my Mom has created such an amazing family that I know I will love for the rest of my life.
What brings you joy?: I love spending time with my family. We always have fun together and I cherish those moments and memories even more now as I prepare to graduate high school. My family is my rock and I can always count on them no matter what. I am happiest when I am surrounded by those who love me unconditionally.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I believe I am making the world a better place by being a positive influence, building relationships, and being committed to continue to better myself.
By being committed, focused and using what I have learned as a CNA I know my purpose in life is to be of service to others.
I enjoy caring for others. Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness. Being a CNA provides me with the opportunity to recognize the humanity in others and to respect their dignity.
By showing kindness, humility and humanity I inspire,uplift and enrich the lives of those in need. Working as a CNA gives me the power to change the world and make it a better place.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: Camp Barnabas
This organization is very special to me. It is a unique camping experience for those with special needs and lifelong illnesses and their families. My life was forever changed when I volunteered as a camp buddy to a girl with chronic seizures and paralyzed from the hips down.
I cared for the complete physical,mental and emotional needs of my buddy throughout the week while giving her the opportunity to have the best camping experience of her life. I was blessed beyond measure to show kindness and inspire my camp buddy to realize her abilities along with human dignity. Camp Barnabas is a life-changing experience that led me to a life of service to others.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: I admire my mother because she has truly shown me what it means to be beautiful inside and out. I cannot remember a time that she hasn't worked her hardest to provide for my brother and I. She not only has a beautiful appearance, but a beautiful heart.
What brings you joy?: Being able to fellowship openly and being a disciple to Christ brings me the most joy in life. It gives me hope and happiness when I think about the eternal life God offers.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I think I can make the world a better place with my personality. I have a very outgoing personality that allows me to reach out and create opportunities for myself and others. This can make the world a better place because I can open doors for those that are not so outspoken.
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I am choosing to give to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America because this voluntary organization provides after school programs to thousands of children that have unfortunate circumstances. This organization helps kids bring the gap that is created in society and gives them the opportunity to thrive as everybody else does.
Who is someone you admire and find truly beautiful? Why?: My mom is someone I admire and find truly beautiful because she works so hard for our family and always makes sure we are taken care of. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.
What brings you joy?: Spending time with my friends and family really brings me joy. I’m trying to really take in and enjoy my time with them before heading off to college.
Everyone has different skills and personality traits that make them valuable. How can YOU make the world a better place?: I think I can make the world a better place just by listening to people and understanding what they have to say. For someone to just know that you care about what they’re saying I think can really make a difference
Which charity / organization did you choose to contribute to? Why?: I chose convoy of hope. I have had the opportunity to volunteer here through National Honor Society and help bag food. It was really a great experience to help give people food who can’t afford it.
“Want to be one of a kind? Be yourself.”
— Hayley Williams
As senior year is wrapping up, these young women were invited to participate in a very special project. A project that asks them to take a moment and refocus on what makes them truly unique and valuable as human beings. It’s important that they launch into adulthood with confidence in their character and knowledge they have the power to make a positive difference in the world.